Our Services



CoolSculpting® a  fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared,* non-surgical fat-reduction treatment. It uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable and permanent—so you’ll look great from every angle at any age. Each treatment will permanently remove up to 25% of the fat in the targeted area. All without any downtown, no needles no scalpels. You can get right back to life on the same day.

Hyauloronic Acid Fillers

There are many injectable fillers that treat areas of volume loss in the face and body. Prime examples of uses are: to fill out cheekbones for a more exotic profile while also restoring volume that has been lost due toga related sagging skin and weight fluctuations, to smooth hollows under the eyes (tear troughs), to add volume to sunken temples (which can also elevates the outer eye corners) , to add volume to naso labial folds, marionette lines, lips, earlobes, the jawline and hands.

All of these treatments if done correctly can create a more youthful appearance without making you look overfilled. Anyone can be overfilled, that’s easy. Here at Doctors Spa, Dr Curran takes a very conservative approach to fillers and this combined with her artist’s eye will give you an optimal and natural outcome.

The preferred fillers that we use at Doctors Spa are: The Revance® family of products: Redensity, RHA 2, RHA 3 and RHA 4, Radiesse®, from Galderma the Restylane family of fillers: Restylane + lidocaine, Refyne, Defyne, Contour and Kisse.

All Fillers can be custom ordered by request.

Sublative® Sublime® Profound®

These are radio-frequency based energy devices made by Syneron -Candela®. These resurface the skin while also going deeper to stimulate collagen production.

Sublative® resurfaces the skin while it removes sun-related hyperpigmentation, treats fine lines and wrinkles, and shrinks pores. It also works at at deeper lever to stimulate collagen production, ultimately giving the skin a smoother healthier more firm appearance. Three treatments are recommended spaced by 6 to 8 weeks with a once a year maintenance treatment. Down time is minimal with the ability to put on foundation at day 2 and return to work and social activities. Most patients do not need to take time off from their regular activities following treatment.

By far a Doctors Spa favorite treatment for both staff and patients.


Sublime® otherwise known as an “Oscar’s lift” uses radio frequency to lift the skin instantly and temporarily (perfect before a big event). It will ultimately provide stimulation of collagen production done consistently over time. This has no down time. This is typically added to your anti-aging facial.


Profound® combines micro needling with radio frequency to essentially provide the bottom half of a face lift (from cheeks to neck). This procedure is for patients experiencing jowling and deep naso-labial folds and or marionette lines. Candidates are either not yet ready for or simply don’t want a face lift. Results are amazing and the effects can last up to 3 years. Downtime is 2 to 3 days before resuming work or social activities.



Millions of men and women enjoy the benefits of neurotoxin. We carry Botox® Cosmetic (upon request), and Dysport® and will soon be offering Daxxify® (the newly FDA approved neurotoxin that lasts 6 to 9 months).
Neurotoxins diminish the appearance of lines in the forehead, between the eyebrows (the 11’s), around the eyes (Crow’s feet), lip lines (smoker’s lines) and to give a “lip-flip” (slight enlargement of the lips), relief from TMJ (when injected into the cheek muscles) and necklace lines to combat crepiness and restore a more youthful appearance to the skin of the neck.


Sculptra was initially approved for use in the United States in 2004 to treat facial fat loss in people with HIV/AIDS. Although still used for this purpose, it is now mainly used as an injectable collagen stimulator meant to fill out the hollows of the face or where the skin of the face has sagged due to age and weight related fat and collagen loss. A single treatment will revolumize the areas of the face that commonly experience fat/collagen loss associated with aging: temples, cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines and the jaw line. Patients often also notice how beautiful it makes their skin look. Sculptra imparts a luminosity and youthful glow to the skin (due to increased collagen production) that will correct what was once dull tired appearing skin. The beauty of this treatment is that it provides a slow revolumization over the course of 3 months — yielding results that can last 3 to 5 years. No one will know that you’ve had anything done. They will just know that you look better and more rested. For the patient requiring a more global correction, this is the most budget conscious option because it treats the entire face with long lasting results.

South America uses Sculptra extensively for body collagen production. We found use on the chest wall to be too painful and use for buttock enhancement to be financially prohibitive. However, we have found success with treatment of the skin above the knees (for the horizontal lines) that make us not want to wear shorts and swim suits.

This is one of Dr. Adrienne’s most sought after treatments with 10,000+ treatments to date.

This treatment can be provided to those with HIV/AIDS that are unable to pay (with W-2 verification of income). Galderma supplies the product for free and Dr. Curran provides her services and facility for free. This is one of the ways we are able to give back to our community in a place where it is most needed and appreciated. Taking back a patient’s appearance gives them back a feeling of normalcy and gives them the ability to once again participate in the life and the world.

This program is also offered by the Merz family of injectables most notably, Radiesse and Belotero. Unlike some facilities that participate in this program, here at Doctors Spa there is no “injection fee”, no fee of any kind, ever.

We will help you obtain the paperwork you need to participate in this amazingly generous program. Call us.